Waterways Safe

When building a pipes across a waterway, operators will always choose the safest method possible, based on careful analysis of bank stability, wildlife, vegetation, and fish habitat – all in accordance with industry leading standards and government regulations.

The industry uses pipes specifically designed for waterways and near aquifers. The walls of the pipe may be thicker and the pipe is covered with corrosion-resistant material.

Pipeline operators monitor the banks and slopes at crossings to make sure they remain stable, and 24/7 monitoring systems keep a close watch on the flow of product in the pipeline.

Spills and Clean-up Process

This includes a regulator-approved emergency response plan, unique to each pipeline, so the operator has the specific information required to quickly stop the leak and thoroughly clean up the site.

Once the leak detection systems alert that there is a spill, the pipeline is shut down. Valves located at key points in the line quickly shut off the pipeline.

At this point, the emergency response plan is activated. These plans are designed to address a wide range of emergency scenarios, identify potential hazards to the public and the environment, and outline the process of handling the emergency.


Pipeline operators always conduct an environmental assessment – biologists assess the habitat, including vegetation, along a proposed pipeline route and evaluate the potential environmental effects and risks, and develop mitigative measures.

For new pipelines, comprehensive environmental protection plans are developed, outlining measures to protect vegetation. Some of these practices include:

Scheduling construction around the agricultural growing season
Identifying how to return the vegetation to as close to its original condition as possible to promote the species returning to the habitat or ecosystem.

Animals protect

Biologists, and agrologists like Daniel conduct a detailed environmental assessment to identify the types of wildlife along a proposed route, and the risks involved for each species.

By planning construction for a particular season, and sticking to a tight schedule, pipeline companies are able to minimize the impact on wildlife.

As soon as a pipeline is completed, work begins to restore the land to its original condition. Topsoil is saved separately from subsoil, so that the layers of soil can be restored as closely as possible, and vegetation is replanted.